10 August 2012

Harry Potter World & Dragons

Yes, I rode the Dragon Challenge in Harry Potter World five times… I actually rode it four times consecutively. It was a blast! The ride splits into the Chinese Fireball and the Hungarian Horntail, so I didn’t have the opportunity to get bored of it. My favorite was the Hungarian Horntail side. No wait, the Chinese Fireball. I can’t decide… I think I need to ride it 50 more times… ;)

02 August 2012

(Not So) Giant Sand Castles

With the help of my family, I was able to build the sandcastle pictured above. I’m no architect, but I’m proud of how well it turned out. The castle is in the form of an arrow to symbolize my belief that everything has a point (pun intended) as well as my search for happiness. The arrow is facing the ocean because the ocean can be fickle and restless, calm and relaxed, just as my search for happiness is. Plus, the shape was a mistake I incorporated into something beautiful, as all mistakes should be.