27 December 2013

Palm Reading at Starbucks

The first time my sister and aunt met my best friend was at a weekend getaway to my grandparent's beach cabin. Ever since then, the four of us have been as thick as thieves. Fortunately, today we were able to hang out (without the rest of the family around) at Starbucks and spend some... quality time together. 

Among the many topics of discussion arose a new palm-reading application my sister downloaded. I thought I'd share a portion of my results for your enjoyment:

1) Your hand indicates that you like to laugh.
2) Saturn (middle finger) shows that you focus on real world items; usually in an overall manner.
3) Your Mount of Pluto shows that you are highly adept at giving advice to others.
4) Your finger leaning indicates that you make sure to take enough time to seriously think through your decisions.
5) Your thumb shape indicates that you can be very emotional.
6) Your relationship lines suggest that you will have a strong and happy relationship with your partner.
7) Your finger spacing indicates that you will gain authority and rank through your own goals and dreams.
8) Your line of fate shows that you will be successful in whatever you pursue, because you are a very determined person.
9) Your mount of Luna shows that you are slightly egocentric.
10) Your mount of lower Mars shows that you have the ability to over come a large amount of pain.
11) Your Jupiter (index finger) indicates that you are flexible and multi-talented, and who tends to go along with the crowd.
12) Your mount of Venus shows that you have lots of energy and warmth.
13) The second phalange on your thumb indicates that you love pleasurable things like food and drinks. 

26 December 2013

Twas the Day After Christmas...

'Twas the day after Christmas and throughout the upstairs, not a person slept in, despite the previous day's affairs.

The wrapping paper, still strewn across the living room floor, made a mess that lead right to the front door. 

The Fragoso's were preparing for a full day ahead while Echo, their dog, was nestled sleepily in his bed. 

With Toya in her scarf and I in my hat, we got in the car for a nice, lengthy chat -
when out on the street we noted no traffic, we looked at each other as if telepathic.

Away to Seattle we drove like a flash, parked in the parking lot, and thanked God we didn't crash.

The sun arose steadily beneath the Northwest fog, which gave luster to everything just like a short jog. 

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature mermaid with two tiny fish tails. 

With big wooden doors, so warm and homey,
I knew in a moment it must be the one, the only.

More rapid than eagles my sister and I came, entered, and shouted, and call'd out by name:

"Now latte! Now mocha! Now macchiato and drip! On frappe! On hot tea! On dry cappuccino!"

"Order one of each! Order one not on the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

A wink from a barista's eye and a twist of his head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And fill'd all the coffee cups; then turn'd with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose
And giving a nod, above the counter he rose.

He sprung to his feet, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle:
But I heard him exclaim, ere he vanished out of sight —
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night. 

The End. 

Christmas Reflections

This past month has been a whirlwind of struggles and tasks accomplished - mainly to do with school and academics. The first week was finishing up projects for three of my classes and preparing for my one and only final the week after. The second week was mostly spend stressing over finals, stressing over a regional club meeting for M.E.Ch.A., saying goodbye to friends as they left for the holidays, and feeling homesick. The meeting went as well as could be expected during a college break. 

Once home, I was able to reconnect with friends and spend plenty of time with my family. We furtively shopped and wrapped around each other as Christmas drew nearer and even got to play in the snow! One evening, my godmother took me to see It's A Wonderful Life performed by the local theater. Eventually my sister arrived and my brother and I embarked on what ended up being a 2.5 hour adventure around SeaTac in the late evening. 

Christmas was well spent with my family, including my grandparents, great-aunts, aunts, parents, and siblings. The food was delicious! I'm a sucker for ambrosia. 
Now that Christmas Day is here, the Christmas season may begin. Merry Christmas!