The List

  1. Kidnap someone for a day.
  2. Break up with a friend.
  3. Build a snow fort.
  4. Open the window and sing a song.
  5. Write a declaration of your genius.
  6. Hold a makeshift fashion show with your friends in a store’s dressing room.
  7. Tell people they just lost the right to speak with you.
  8. Call up a number of friends and have an impromptu house party.
  9. Climb a tree and stay there.
  10. Create a resume highlighting your top personal achievements.
  11. Ask a stranger out for coffee.
  12. Make a video of yourself and post it on YouTube.
  13. Go cinemarathoning.
  14. Sit on a bus and people-watch.
  15. Draw a series of pictures in the dark and see how they turn out.
  16. Pretend to be a tourist in your hometown and take a picture of everything.
  17. Dress up in your best outfit, if only to go to the grocery store.
  18. Eat an entire container of ice cream.
  19. Wear high heels, no matter what you’re doing, if that makes you feel good.
  20. Walk to work.
  21. Get a tattoo (permanent, temporary, your choice).
  22. Walk up to a small child that resembles you and tell them you are your future self.
  23. Color hair in an unnatural color.
  24. Say no when someone asks for help. Don’t explain.
  25. Donate to charity anonymously.
  26. Take your bicycle to the top of a hill and ride all the way down.
  27. Call a radio show and request a song.
  28. Fly a kite.
  29. Help a stranger in distress.
  30. Get a makeover from a professional or friend.
  31. Take a swim in the ocean or nearby lake. Disregard the temperature.
  32. Practice doing a perfect handstand.
  33. Turn down a great offer because it doesn’t feel right.
  34. Apply for the low-wage job of your dreams.
  35. Audition for something.
  36. Cold-call someone you always wished to get to know. Or work for.
  37. Pay for a stranger’s groceries.
  38. Move around furniture for fun.
  39. Be late to an appointment. Don’t apologize.
  40. Delete an online presence (i.e. Google+, Facebook, etc.).
  41. Drink a bottle of sparkling cider for breakfast.
  42. Reschedule a deadline.
  43. Wear a hoodie and sunglasses all day and pretend to be famous.
  44. Go to the local museum or library and run through the corridors.
  45. Go to the top of the highest building in town and look down.
  46. Call out a random name in the midst of a crowd of people to see who responds.
  47. Write love notes to strangers and put them into books at bookstores or a library. Write your email address at the back and wait for a reply.
  48. Walk out on something.
  49. Go to a spa.
  50. Finger paint like a child.
  51. Invent something that would make your life easier.
  52. Give your mother a dozen red roses and tell her you love her.
  53. Send a message in a bottle.
  54. Get to know your neighbors.
  55. Write a fan letter to your hero.
  56. Stay out all night dancing.
  57. Sing a great song impromptu in front of an audience.
  58. Ask someone you’ve only just met out on a date.
  59. Write a will.
  60. Spend a whole day reading a great novel.
  61. Forgive your parents for something ridiculous.
  62. Give a speech about anything in public.
  63. Get up at 2am and have a cup of tea.
  64. Kiss someone you’ve just met.
  65. Create a personal (not generic) family tree.
  66. Take a vow of silence for a day.
  67. Spend a day telling nothing but the truth.
  68. Fast.
  69. Open your bag in a crowded area and ask, “Got enough air in there?”
  70. Hold a formal poker night.
  71. Build a giant sandcastle.
  72. Ride a camel.
  73. Draw faces on all the eggs in the fridge.
  74. Create a stand up comedian show lineup to perform to a live audience.
  75. Prank call someone and give them a compliment.
  76. Have a paper airplane distance contest.
  77. In the middle of a serious conversation, announce what color your toothbrush is.
  78. Go walking and pretend to be lost. Ask directions to someplace far away.
  79. Tape a mustache to the TV.
  80. Create your own small imaginary world out of whatever you have lying around. Place it in a natural setting.
  81. Write out a stream of consciousness.
  82. Create a list of ridiculous greetings and use them intermittently throughout the day.
  83. Leave a notepad of compliments instructing passers-by to take only one.
  84. Make replicas of Alice-in-Wonderderland cakes.
  85. Play laser tag.
  86. Draw pictures all up and down a sidewalk in chalk.
  87. Spend half a day reading children’s books to yourself, but preferably aloud to any child available in a bookstore or library.
  88. Deliver a bad news (fake, of course).
  89. Have an app war with friends.
  90. Leave fake parking tickets.
  91. Rewrite basic geography according to your whims.
  92. When someone says, “Have a nice day,” stare and say, “Don’t tell me what to do!”
  93. Go birdwatching.
  94. Try group poetry.
  95. Leave a fake wallet somewhere and see who returns it.
  96. Leave a present in a public place.
  97. Carve your name into a tree.
  98. Tell a improvised ghost story.
  99. Make an ice cream sculpture.
  100. Create an inukshuk.
  101. Laugh 400 times a day (keep count).
  102. Write a list of oxymorons.
  103. Search the dictionary for the longest word possible.
  104. Knight yourself and some close friends.
  105. Make a list of 20 things you like about a particular person.
  106. Build a toy robot from things found around the house.
  107. Duct tape a spoon to the wall and wait for it to fall.
  108. Write to a famous person.
  109. Find other people that have the same name.
  110. Do everything left-handed for a day.
  111. Declare a “slap butt day” and celebrate it.
  112. Count your teeth with your tongue.
  113. Cut out photos and paste them on popsicle sticks and have a puppet show.
  114. Dance around your room naked.
  115. Declare war on something.
  116. Alphabetize the food in a fridge.
  117. Design a monument of yourself.
  118. Buy something from an infomercial.
  119. Dial a random/wrong number and talk to whoever answers.
  120. Fill water balloons with soap and water and wash a car.
  121. Put together a weeklong music mix.
  122. Point at someone and say, “You’re one of them!” Run away.
  123. Have a conversation with an iPod on shuffle.
  124. Take a vow of silence for a day.
  125. Put plastic wrap on a doorway and wait for people to walk into it.
  126. Build the Eiffel Tower out of fries.
  127. Build a fort in your room.
  128. Prank call yourself and leave a message.
  129. Jump in a pool fully-clothed.
  130. Play the floor is lava in a crowded room.
  131. Have a nerf gun fight throughout an entire building.
  132. Put a letter in the post box addressed to the mailman.
  133. Play spin the bottle.
  134. Slide down grass hills on a cardboard box.
  135. Play in a fountain.
  136. Stay up all night talking with someone.
  137. Laugh until you cry.
  138. Go caroling - not at Christmas.
  139. Take an unplanned road trip.
  140. Go puddle jumping in pajamas.
  141. Hide origami creatures in public places.
  142. Write compliments on a notepad with instructions to take only one and tape it to a public place.
  143. Blow bubbles out your window.
  144. Write a letter to future generations.
  145. Make a list of gag gifts to give people.
  146. Create coupons for everyday use that are unorthodox.
  147. Plan the worst vacation ever.
  148. Visit a pet store for a day.
  149. Start a massage train.
  150. Take a child to the playground and actually play with the child.
  151. Build a cardboard castle.
  152. Flip all the light switches in the electrical aisle of a hardware store.
  1. Book a ticket to somewhere and take off for a day or two.
  2. Become a vegetarian.
  3. Crash a wedding.
  4. Invite a stranger to a home-cooked meal.
  5. Start a collection of found objects.
  6. Learn something new.
  7. Go to a theme park and ride a roller coaster 5 times.
  8. Participate in a flash mob.
  9. Create a massive inspiration board.
  10. Come up with a crazy project and start your kickstarter campaign.
  11. Start writing a novel.
  12. Have a tea party. Invite the strangest people you know.
  13. Bake lots of cakes and cupcakes and have a sale.
  14. Write letters to everyone you know and tell them exactly how you feel.
  15. Go camping.
  16. Use a foreign language daily.
  17. Be an extra for a film.
  18. Fall deeply in love… with a toy. Carry it with you everywhere.
  19. Go whale-watching.
  20. Attend a concert on your own.
  21. Make a hole-in-one.
  22. Dance in the pouring rain.
  23. Build something that will outlast you.
  24. Climb a mountain.
  25. Make a movie.
  26. Buy a pet (and take care of it too).
  27. Watch the sun set.
  28. Learn how to play your favorite song and hold a recital for its debut.
  29. Watch the sun rise.
  30. Spend a week meditating.
  31. Declutter your bedroom - for good.
  32. Get a professional portfolio.
  33. Take a road trip to Canada with your friends.
  34. Go on a holiday (or vacation) with your best friend.
  35. Celebrate Mardi Gras.
  36. Write a song for someone.
  37. Design a house.
  38. Go hiking in the rain.
  39. Host a game night debuting an invented game.
  40. Bake a pastry with an object hidden inside.
  41. Have a cupboard potluck.
  42. Built a giant outdoor fort.
  43. Create a facetious walking tour.
  44. Hold a photoshoot.
  45. Learn and perform a card trick.
  46. Learn to swim properly.
  47. Get involved with public access television.
  48. Start a book club.
  49. Host a card party.
  50. Make it through a maze without a map.
  51. Take a week-long technology hiatus.
  52. Attend a free community class.
  53. Go stargazing.
  54. Write a play.
  55. Interview a person, asking the most ridiculous questions.
  56. Paint a mural.
  57. Learn to bartend.
  58. Learn to tell a joke perfectly.
  59. Adopt a strange (yet subtle) mannerism and make a guessing game out of it.
  60. Conceive a brand new language.
  61. Create a story… using only a purple crayon.
  62. Do the hokey-pokey at 3am with a large group of people.
  63. Submit an article to the local newspaper.
  64. Hide something in a book.
  65. Host the opposite of a slumber parting (a wake-a-thon!).
  66. Reenact a part of a movie.
  67. Write a short poem.
  68. Host a murder mystery party.
  69. Go to a scavenger hunt.
  70. Go on an adventure using only a map and a compass.
  71. Memorize a long poem.
  72. Put together a personal productivity book.
  73. Construct a cookbook based on your personal preferences (in order).
  74. Throw confetti eggs at a celebration.
  75. Interview someone slightly famous.
  76. Create photo evidence suggesting you went on an adventure that didn’t really happen.
  77. Photolog a day in the life of the invisible man with a pair of boots.
  78. Change your voicemail greeting everyday for a week.
  79. Couch surf for a week.
  80. Have a drive-in movie date.
  81. Learn to knit.
  82. Refrain from buying anything materialistic for yourself for a month.
  83. Read the entire Bible.
  84. Try everything off the Starbucks Secret Menu.
  85. Enter a public competition - it can be anything! Just try your hardest. ;)
  86. Stalk a friend for a month.
  87. Play in a band.
  88. Make a flipbook.
  89. Sew an outfit.
  90. Run a 5k.

Long Term
  1. Start a small business.
  2. Travel abroad.
  3. Keep in touch with everyone you meet on vacation.
  4. Forgive someone who once caused terrible pain.
  5. Attend a major sporting event.
  6. Have your portait painted.
  7. Tell someone your life story.
  8. Learn to ballroom dance properly.
  9. Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.
  10. Write down your personal mission statement and follow it.
  11. Support a cause passionately.
  12. Learn to juggle with random objects.
  13. Teach someone something important.
  14. Learn to surf, ski, or snowboard.
  15. Learn to drive a manual car.
  16. Learn to do taxes.
  17. Make someone’s wish come true.
  18. Work for a political campaign.
  19. Keep a one-sentence daily journal for five years.
  20. Pull a Julie & Julia - cook 524 new recipes in 365 days.
  21. Solve a Rubik’s cube.
  22. Finish a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle.
  23. Watch the AFI’s 100 Movies of All Time.
  24. Create/pass on a family heirloom.
  25. Read at least 50 books on the Modern Library’s 100 Best Novels List.
  26. Write a letter to someone, save it, and read it 10 years later.
  27. Watch a lightning storm at sea.
  28. Piece a quilt.
  29. Sit on a jury.
  30. Adopt a child.
  31. Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. On New Years Eve, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened that year.
  32. Read 52 books in a year.

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