07 June 2014

My Cousin's Graduation, Part 1

My cousin is the baby of her family, although you would not know it based on her height. The tallest of three girls, my cousin excels in athletics the way the tallest shrubs absorb the most sunlight. Meaning, my cousin has had the support of her older sisters throughout her career. She recently signed with a local college to play soccer and will be moving away from home for the first time come August.

My cousin, the graduate, surrounded by
 her cousins, aunt, and great aunt.
First of all, I am ridiculously proud of her for going away to college. It takes a lot of determination and courage to decide to move away from home to pursue education, whether or not it ends in a "successful" career. Being away from family for an extended period of time is an experience I recommend. It has helped shape who I am - and as homesick as I get, I do not regret living away hours away from home. 

Secondly, my cousin is pursuing a collegiate career in a sport. How incredible is that?! I can only imagine the increased level of competition athletes face in college. Not only that, but they are students as well! In the hopes that student athletes take advantage of the opportunities given to them to further their education as well as career, the strength it takes to endure the pressure they face is admirable. 

Thirdly, my cousin is adventuring into higher education with an open mind in regards to her career. She has interests that will guide her, but she is entering with an undeclared major. Knowing my cousin, she will not let the array of course choices faze her in determining her path. If she is one thing, she is headstrong.

My hope is that I can play some role in her college career - helping her whenever she needs it or giving her the encouragement she needs to continue on her journey.

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