27 October 2013


I apologize for the lack of postings the last few days. It is becoming needless to say I was drained from the preceding week's events and needed a break from obligations. This break included my weekly trip to the farmers' market where I purchased pear butter (delicious, try it if the opportunity arises), a trip to see my cousins, and a necessary trip to Anna Bannanas to try a new beverage and study.

Among the hot topics worthy of pondering, the three most popular at the moment are:
  1. The list
  2. Christmas gifts
  3. Jobs
I continually think of good ideas to add to the list but eventually come up with a reason not to add them. For instance, I was thinking of adding a silent retreat to the list, but then I thought it would almost be the same as a day of silence. I could use a few creative minds' suggestions as I am getting restless and want more challenges. Hint, hint. Where should I take this project?

I know I really should not even be thinking about Christmas gifts as it is not yet even Halloween, yet I find myself trying to think of creative gifts rather than strictly material ones. I have one idea for my close friends, but I would also like to do something festive. Any ideas?

I am so grateful for the job I currently have, but I have been thinking about where I want to work in the future. Not the long-term future, the short-term. What I mean is, I will hopefully be getting my CNA license in December and I would like to have a job for January, but I do not know where I want to direct my application efforts. Should I apply for a job at a long-term care facility? Should I apply for a job at a clinic? Should I apply for a job at a hospital? Should I continue to work in food services until I am ready to work in the healthcare field?

Thoughts like these rotate around in my head, sharing equal time bothering my sanity. The weather is not helping either - it puts me in such a contemplative mood! 

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