03 October 2013


Basically all of my morning led up to clinical. Or at least that's how I felt. I was not nervous or anxious until I went searching for my ID badge. For some reason I had slipped it into the front pocket of my backpack and skipped over that pocket until about a minute before I was supposed to leave. My frantic search built up my anxiety for the evening ahead and arriving early definitely made it worse. Fortunately there was a chapel nearby so I took a moment to duck in and say a quick prayer.

Anyway, there was no need to worry. The nurses, CNAs, and staff were more than accommodating and many of the residents we encountered were encouraging and glad to have us there. Clinical proved itself to be an integral part in our education - for instance, I knew the steps to transfer a patient, but in actually doing it I realized sensitivity and forethought must accompany the steps. Thoughts such as adjusting pillows before seating a resident or scooting the resident back in the seat to make the resident more comfortable are simple things that one may not think about when learning from a textbook or practicing on a fully functional partner.

For fear of HIPAA and falling asleep at the keyboard (it has been a very long evening), I will cut myself off here. I hope to share more of my thoughts about and adventures in clinical in the future!

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