06 January 2014

Review: Jacksgap.com

Okay, so if you haven't heard of JacksGap on YouTube, you need to click here. I'll wait.

Now, let's discuss their video announcing Jacksgap.com. Those cheeky boys. I knew they were up to something all those months!

The concept of the website is summed up in their announcement video as "a curation of the best of the web." I loved the idea of it. Initially I thought it would be similar to Veooz in that it would be based on popular linkage. The book Too Big to Know by David Weinberger discusses how popular linkage directs the results of search engines by correlating the most-visited links with relevancy to the search. As many may note, sometimes search engines do not provide the most accurate links nor the most relevant. This is often due to popular linkage.

Jacksgap.com, however, is not entirely a result of popular linkage. Jack and Finn Harries, among others, write individual posts of all the material on the site. There are several categories under which users may read the mini-articles and view YouTube videos.

I have personally used the website for several months now and have enjoyed the amalgam of topics Jacksgap.com have addressed. Included in the site are, of course, the Jacksgap YouTube channel videos - including the first two episodes of the Rickshaw Run series, a series I highly recommend to those interested in international travel and philanthropy.

Although the hard work and time dedicated to this website is not at first obvious, Jacksgap.com will soon surprise its visitors with the expanse with which it focuses its attention. When it says "a curation of the best of the web" it means it!

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