My brother has an affinity for many forms of transportation, including light rail. He was more than excited to take the C-Link and wanted to return to the station as soon as possible.
Initially our plan had been to take the Link into Seattle, do a little shopping, grab some lunch, and head home. Unfortunately we left later than planned in the morning and spent less time in Seattle than we anticipated.
Saul had chosen where to sit when we boarded and, as I anticipated, he chose the front of the Link. It just so happened the seats faced the opposite direction we were traveling. He was surprised, maybe even a little uncomfortable, and kept saying, "Libya we're going backwards!"
After the first stop, Saul was no longer preoccupied with the motion - instead, he marveled as traffic and landscape rolled by. Although the journey only lasted about 20 minutes, the excitement was imprinted on Saul's face the rest of the day.
The Westlake Station put us about a block away from the Westlake Center and by the time we arrived in Seattle the three of us were hungry, so we headed straight for the food court. There we enjoyed various noodles from the Noodle Zone, depicted below.
Although my mother and I could have gone for a little shopping, all Saul wanted to do was hop aboard the next Link home (or any other Link for that matter!). On the way back to the station, my mother and I detoured to a few shops in search of more Seahawks gear.
On the way home, I took a few videos which I hope to compile into the next "Traveling with Liv" episode for the video series on YouTube. I will announce it as soon as I am finished with it.
Upon arriving in Tukwila, despite our general exhaustion magnified by the afternoon sun, my brother and I raced to the car to grab the front passenger seat. I won this time. Nothing, I repeat, nothing could have made the trip better.
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